We are recruiting an ambitious computational postdoc for a collaboration project that seeks to revolutionize cancer therapy by targeted, drug-induced degradation of important regulatory protein complexes. The project combines the expertise of two labs at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna [More]

Originally posted on 2017-09-19

We are recruiting a computational postdoc who wants to pursue groundbreaking research on digital medicine, combining a strong background in machine learning with cutting-edge technologies such as single-cell sequencing, wearable devices, ubiquitous sensors, and augmented reality, and a keen interest in biomedical applications. [More]

Originally posted on 2017-07-16

The Kubicek laboratory and Platform Austria for Chemical Biology PLACEBO at CeMM, the Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, is recruiting a Data Analyst working at the interface of chemical biology and epigenetics. [More]

Originally posted on 2017-03-07

The Bergthaler laboratory at CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences offers an exciting position for a Data Analyst / Bioinformatician. Candidates with a background in computational biology who are ready to take on the challenge of integrating and analyzing systems-level data from complementary global experiments in the context of infectious diseases, inflammation and metabolism will be considered. [More]

Originally posted on 2015-11-27

Highly motivated and academically outstanding candidates who want to pursue a scientific career in the emerging field of medical epigenomics. An ideal candidate would have a background in molecular biology (including functional genomics, chemical biology, biotechnology, human genetics, molecular medicine, etc.) or in the computational sciences (bioinformatics, physics, statistics, etc.) and a strong interest in collaboration and teamwork at the interdisciplinary interface of cancer epigenetics, systems biology, and medicine. [More]

Originally posted on 2015-11-27

A more complete PDF version of this job posting is available from the following URL: http://epigenomics.cemm.oeaw.ac.at/files/Job_Posting_Making_and_Breaking_Cancer_Cells.pdf For a recently awarded European Research Council (ERC) grant we are recruiting a postdoc and a PhD student who want to develop and apply advanced genomics and screening technology. We aim to explore whether epigenetic...more... [More]

Originally posted on 2015-11-23