List of Illumina NovaSeq sites based on news stories, press releases and tweets. If we missed your system please let us know, or if I listed your site in error (mail).
Illumina NovaSeq Sites
- African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (Nigeria)
- AGRF (2) (AU)
- AGTC Genomics (Malaysia)
- AKESOgen (USA)
- Alliance Global Group Agiomix (UAE) (1)
- Alfred Research Alliance (AU)
- All Wales Medical Genomics Service (UK)
- Ashion (USA)
- Australian Translational Genomics Centre (AU)
- BaseClear B.V. (Netherlands)
- Baylor College of Medicine (5) (USA)
- Biohub (USA)
- Bioscientia (Germany)
- Blueprint Genetics (Finland)
- Broad Institute (USA)
- Cambridge Epigenetix (UK)
- CeGaT (Germany)
- CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics (Ca)
- Centre for Genomic Research, University of Liverpool (UK)
- Center for Genomics and Transcriptomics (CeGaT)(2nd Germany)
- Centre Léon Berard, Lyon, France
- Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (France)
- Centro nacional de análisis genómico (Spain)
- Crick Institute, UK*
- Colorado University (USA)
- Columbia University Institute for Genomic Medicine (USA)
- Clemson University-Center for Human Genetics (USA)
- CRUK Cambridge Institute (UK)
- Dante Labs (Italy)
- Deakin University (Australia)
- Department of Health and Human Services (USA)
- Donnelly Sequencing Centre (Canada)
- DNA Link Sequencing Lab (Korea)
- Duke University (USA)
- Edinburgh Genomics (First in Scotland, 2nd UK)
- Earlham Institute (UK)
- Era7 Bioinformatics (USA)
- FG-Technologies (Netherlands)
- FIMM at University of Helsinki (Finland)
- Florida State University (USA)
- Fulgent Genetics (USA)
- Functional Genomics Center Zurich (Switzerland) (tweet)
- Garvan Institute of Medical (Au)
- Genedx USA (3)
- GeT Genotoul (France)
- GeneDX (USA) Link
- Genetico Center of Genetics and Reproductive Medicine (RU)
- Genomic and RNA Profiling Core (BCM) (USA)
- Genomics Core at Cancer Research UK– Cambridge Institute
- Genomics Core Leuven (2) (Belgium)
- Genomics Core Lab at Ocular Genomics Institute, Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary (USA)
- Genomics Medicine Ireland, Dublin (First in Ireland) (news) (5)
- Genomic Sciences Laboratory (USA)
- Genome7 (First in Spain)
- Ginkgo Bioworks (USA)
- Hartwig Medical Foundation, Netherlands
- Human Longevity (USA)
- HZI Braunschweig (Germany)*
- HudsonAlpha (3 will have 10) (USA) tweet
- IGM Genomics Center (USA)
- Illumina-University of Melbourne Genomics Hub (Au)
- Institute of Cancer Research, First in UK.(update – 100FC!)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research (USA)
- Integrative Genomics & Modelling of Metabolic Disease (First in France)
- Intermountain Healthcare Precision Genomics (2, plans for 3 more) (USA)
- IntegraGen, Inc. (France)
- Invitae (USA)
- John Hopkins University (USA)*
- King Abdulaziz City for Science Technology ( 3 units ) (SA)
- KU Leuven (Belgium)
- KU Medical Center Genome Sequencing Facility (USA)
- Larrasa Laboratories (Spain)
- LifeOmic (link) (2) (USA)
- Neuberg Center for Genomic Medicine (India)*
- Maine Department of Health andHuman Services (USA)
- McDonnell Genome Institute (USA)
- Macrogen (KOR)
- Mayo Clinic (USA)*
- Medical College of Wisconsin (USA)
- MedGenome (USA)
- MENA (Saudi Arabia) (3)
- Miami Cancer Institute (USA)*
- Microba (Au)
- MNG Laboratories (USA) (news)
- Mount Sinai (USA)
- Munich Leukemia Lab (Germany)
- National Cancer Institute (USA) (3)
- National Guard Health Affair (1 unit) (SA)*
- National Genomics Infrastructure, Sweden
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (USA)
- National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (India)
- NERC Environmental Omics Facility (UK)
- Newcastle University Genomic Core (UK)
- New York Genome Center (5) (USA)
- NGX Bio (USA)
- NIMGenetics (Spain)
- Novogene (25) / CloudHealth Genomics (CN)
Novogene_Europe with Novaseqs in Cambridge UK
- NYU Langone Genome Technology Center (USA)
- DNA Sequencing Laboratory at Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS (Poland)
- OrigiMed (China)
- OICR Genomics (#1 in Canada)
- OMRF Clinical Genomics Center (USA) (Link)
- Othram Inc (USA)
- Penn State College of Medicine (USA)
- PerkinElmer Genomics (10) (USA) link
- Personalis, Inc. (10) (USA)
- Pittsburgh Genome Center (USA)
- Premas Life Sciences (India)
- Purdue University (USA)
- RadboudUMC, Human Genetics (Netherlands)
- Rady Children’s Hospital (USA) (3 NovaSeq)
- Ramaciotti Centre (AU)
- Regeneron (other news) (USA)
- RICKEN (Japan)
- Rigshospitalet (Danmark)
- Royal Marsden Hospital, London (UK)
- Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (USA)
- SciLifeLab (Stockholm)
- SeqMatic (USA)
- Sema4 (USA)
- Sloan Kettering (USA)
- Smith Genomic Clinic (USA)
- Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
- Takara Bio (Japan)(Link to PDF)
- Texas A&M AgriLife Research (install) (USA) #1 Agriculture focused & Land Grant University installed (2) News
- Tgen (USA)
- TCAG Facilities (Ca)
- Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Tron Mainz (Germany)
- UC San Francisco (USA)
- USC Keck School of Medicine (USA)
- UMCCR University of Melbourne (AU)
- Uniformed Services University (2) (USA)
- University of Calgary (Ca)
- University of Chicago Genomics Facility (USA)
- University of Helsinki (Finland)
- University of Kansas Medical Center (USA)
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
- University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) (Netherlands)
- University of Michigan (USA)
- University of Minnesota Genomics Center (USA)
- University of Missouri DNA Core Facility (USA)
- University of North Carolina (USA)
- University of Oklahoma (USA)
- University of Wisconsin (USA)
- UPMC Genome Center, Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
- Utah Public Health Laboratory (USA)
- U.S. Army 59th Medical Wing, Clinical Research (USA)
- UZ Leuven (Belgium)
- Van Andel Institute (USA)
- Vanderbilt University of Medicine (USA)
- Virginia Tech Genomics Sequencing Center (USA)
- Walter Reed Medical Hospital (USA)*
- Washington University School of Medicine (USA)
- Welcome Trust / Sanger Institute (UK)* (10)
- Yale Center for Genome Analysis and Yale-New Haven Hospital (2) (USA)
*The site is listed based on personal communication with someone with knowledge of the site.
Illumina NovaSeq NEWS
- New Illumina #NovaSeq flow cells on the way! S4 200 (2X100) and S* 100 (2X50) and 300 (2X150)
- Latest news from Illumina (15Feb18)
- Illumina launches new NovaSeq S1 flow cell [Link to Illumina] and increases S2 performance spec. by 25% [Link to Illumina].
- “running the S4 flowcell on the NovaSeq will provide a 20 percent economic advantage compared to the HiSeq X” [At GenomeWeb] and [At Bio-IT-World]
- S4 is released [Link to Illumina].
- NovaSeq is getting Lanes! [Link to Illumina]
- Q1 Illumina Press Release about the NovaSeq [At Bio-IT-World]
- Illumina HiSeqX locations [At Enseqlopedia] and [At AllSeq]