Job Company: Scripps Research Institute
We are recruiting software developers on both back-end and front-end of web-based applications for bioinformatics research. Initially, this position will join the development team for these ongoing projects: Back-end developers:- BioThings Project ( - Build a collection of high-performance APIs for large-scale biological data, and an SDK to help developers to build such APIs... [More]
The hiring laboratory is involved in numerous projects to build software infrastructure for bioinformatics, genetics, and genomics research. We have a particular emphasis on building community platforms that enable collaboration and crowdsourcing. This position will be involved in one or more NIH-funded projects focusing on management of biological data. [More]
The position being advertised will be involved in one or more NIH-funded projects focusing on building tools and infrastructure for management of biological data. [More]
We are looking for awesome people (very broadly defined) who love doing science in a creative, collaborative, and dynamic environment. We operate at the interface between biology, computer science, statistics, and software engineering. Our projects span a wide spectrum of disease areas (including osteoarthritis, cancer, cystic fibrosis), organisms (human, mouse, microbiomes) and technology platforms (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics). We have a particular focus on building tools that leverage crowdsourcing, several of which are widely used by other bioinformaticians, biomedical scientists, and the general public. [More]