Bioinformatics Scientist

Job ID:
Job date: 2017-05-17
End Date:

Company : UPMC 

Country :

Role : Research Scientist 

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Job Description:
The Molecular and Genomic Pathology laboratory at UPMC is hiring a Bioinformatics Scientist to support its clinical Next-Generation Sequencing platforms. Ideal candidate would have MS or PhD degree in bioinformatics, computational biology or related field and experience with Next-Generation Sequencing data applications.

Experience with Linus/Unix environments, shell scripting, Python scripting, system administration, and software development essential. Must be familiar with Django, SQL, R, HTML/SCC, JavaScript, and commonly-used databases and bioinformatics tools (samtools, bedtools, IGV, ANNOVAR, GATK) and file formats (BED, VCF, FASTQ, BAM). Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.

Responsibilities are to develop and maintain bioinformatics pipelines (variant calling, variant annotation, copy number analysis, gene expression analysis, gene fusion identification), develop and maintain robust systems for managing and reporting NGS results, analysis of bioinformatics data, development of user interfaces, improve and manage software testing and error handling for pipelines and web applications, troubleshoot NGS server hardware and software problems, and ensure compliance with all clinical regulatory agencies.

Requeriments :

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Additional Info:

[Click Here to Access the Original Job Post]