Postdoctoral Researcher in Bioinformatics

Job ID: 684723
Job date: 2019-04-12
End Date: 2019-05-04

Company : Karolinska Institutet · 

Country : Sweden 

Role : Postdoc 

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Job Description:
The Center for Translational Microbiome Research (CTMR) was started in January 2016 as a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) and Ferring Pharmaceuticals. The center builds on a deep understanding of translational microbiome research and has established a broad technical, biological, clinical and epidemiological platform for studying complex microbiological communities in well-defined human materials.We are looking for an experienced postdoc-level researcher to join the CTMR team as a full-time bioinformatician. The applicant will take on a leading role in CTMR’s responsibilities in the large-scale ONCOBIOME project, which studies the connection between different types of cancer and the human microbiome.

Requeriments :

Skills :

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Additional Info:
This bioinformatics research position concerns the following main tasks:

Taking responsibility for the bioinformatics analysis effort of the microbiome samples of the ONCOBIOME project
Taking responsibility for implementing the bioinformatics analysis workflow of these samples, automating sequencing data processing and setting up reliable and robust downstream bioinformatic analyses.
Producing sample profiles (e.g. taxonomic, functional) by combining data across multiple sequencing runs (including performing routine quality control of sequencing data).
Performing biostatistical analyses of microbiome profiles in relation to cancer types and available sample metadata.
Being involved in the design and planning of wet lab processing.

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