Bioinformatics Workshop – January 12, 2017

Association Analyses of Genotypes and Phenotypes Using GAPIT and TASSEL 5.0

Thursday, January 12, 1:00-5:00 PM; Heep Center 440

“Association Analyses of Genotypes and Phenotypes Using GAPIT and TASSEL 5.0”

Presented By:
Dr. Shichen Wang
Bioinformatics Scientist, Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Shichen Wang is a Bioinformatics Scientist in AgriLife Genomics and Bioinformatics Service. He has extensive
experiences working in high-throughput sequencing data analysis, such as de novo genome/transcriptome
assembly, genome-wide variation discovery, and RNAseq et al. Before joining Texas A&M, Dr. Wang was
working mostly with wheat at Kansas State University. He developed the wheat 90K genotyping assay, as well
as the first version of Exon-Capture assay for hexaploid wheat, both of which have been broadly used in wheat
genomic studies.

Dr. Shuyu Liu
Associate Professor in Wheat Genetics, Texas A&M AgriLife Research –
Shuyu Liu, is an Associate Professor in Wheat Genetics located at Texas A&M AgriLife Research at Amarillo
Center. He has been working on gene/QTL mapping using bi-parental and association mapping for yield, its
components, disease and pest resistances. High throughput molecular marker development, validation and
application in wheat genetics, genomics and breeding.

** Open to All but RSVP required to Yan Yang so she can send
demo files to participants. Please install R (R-3.3.1-win), R Studio-0.99.902, TASSEL 5.0
on your computer before the workshop.**